Архив тегов | Mihail Kogălniceanu

Sergiu Bacalov, Aspecte referitoare la negustorii bacali. Influenţe şi prezenţe orientale în târgurile Ţării Moldovei (secolele XVII – XVIII) / Issues related to merchants “bacal”. Oriental influence and presence in Moldavia fairs (17th-18th centuries) /

Sergiu Bacalov, Aspecte referitoare la negustorii bacali. Influenţe şi prezenţe orientale în târgurile Ţării Moldovei (secolele XVII – XVIII) // Identităţile Chişinăului, c Materialele conferinţei, 12-13 septembrie 2011. Coordonatorii volumului: Sergiu Musteaţă, Alexandru Corduneanu, Chişinău, Pontos, 2012, p. 35-48. ISB N 978-9975-51-308-1.

download (Sergiu Bacalov. Aspecte referitoare la negustorii bacali din Moldova)


 Issues related to merchants “bacal”.

Oriental influence and presence in Moldavia fairs (17th-18th centuries)

Spice trade was present in Moldavia from the beginning of its existence. However, in the 17th century stands out as a separate category of merchants, specialized in transportation and marketing of certain spices and oriental food. These merchants were known in Moldavia under the name of Bacal, most of them were established by fairs, according to the needs of the profession. Internal documents show that they usually had their origins in the Christian Balkans community of the Ottoman Empire (Greeks, Albanians, Aromanians, etc). Available sources testify that this guild existed also in Chisinau fair.



Strămoşii bacali ai neamului Cogălniceanu