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Studii de arhondologie şi genealogie. Volumul 5, coordonator: Sergiu Bacalov, Chişinău, 2019, 210 p. ISBN 978-9975-80-825-5, ISBN 978-9975-87-483-0.

Studii de arhondologie şi genealogie. Volumul 5, coordonator: Sergiu Bacalov, Chişinău, 2019, 210 p. ISBN 978-9975-80-825-5, ISBN 978-9975-87-483-0.



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Sergiu Bacalov, Documente referitoare la şleahticii polonezi din satul Copceac, ţinutul Ackerman (acum raionul Ştefan Vodă). Neamurile Gorcinschi, Daşchevici şi Golinschi // Dialog intercultural polono-moldovenesc. Culegere de studii, vol. 1, Chişinău, 2017, p. 37-57. ISBN 978-9975-76-207-6. ISBN 978-9975-76-208-3.

Sergiu Bacalov, Documente referitoare la şleahticii polonezi din satul Copceac, ţinutul Ackerman (acum raionul Ştefan Vodă). Neamurile Gorcinschi, Daşchevici şi Golinschi // Dialog intercultural polono-moldovenesc. Culegere de studii, vol. 1, Chişinău, 2017, p. 37-57. ISBN 978-9975-76-207-6. ISBN 978-9975-76-208-3.

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Sergiu Bacalov, Historical and genealogical aspects relating on the descendants of the Moldavian boyar Eni Hasan, Cossacks’ Land (Ukraine) hetman // volumul Conferinţa ştiinţifică internaţională „Dialectica necesităţii şi libertăţii în educaţie”, 30 martie – 1 aprilie 2016, coord. V. Constantinov, Chişinău, US Tiraspol, 2016, p. 60-72. ISBN 978-9975-76-176-5.

Sergiu Bacalov, Historical and genealogical aspects relating on the descendants of the Moldavian boyar Eni Hasan, Cossacks’ Land (Ukraine) hetman // volumul Conferinţa ştiinţifică internaţională „Dialectica necesităţii şi libertăţii în educaţie”, 30 martie – 1 aprilie 2016, coord. V. Constantinov, Chişinău, US Tiraspol, 2016, p. 60-72. ISBN 978-9975-76-176-5.

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Hasan 1


Sergiu Bacalov, Militarii otomani din Bender la sfârşitul sec. XVIII. Cazul lui Abrail (Vasile Abramov), fiul lui Ali-aga // Cohorta. Revistă de istorie militară, nr. 1-2, Chişinău, 2016, p. 26-38. ISSN 1857-0100.


Sergiu Bacalov, Militarii otomani din Bender la sfârşitul sec. XVIII. Cazul lui Abrail (Vasile Abramov), fiul lui Ali-aga // Cohorta. Revistă de istorie militară, nr. 1-2, Chişinău, 2016, p. 26-38. ISSN 1857-0100.

Sergiu Bacalov, Ottoman military in the city of Bendery in the late XVIIIth century. Biography of Abrail (Vasily Abramov), son of Ali-aga // Cohorta. Revistă de istorie militară, nr. 1-2, Chişinău, 2016, p. 26-38. ISSN 1857-0100.

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Especial Turkish ethnosocial group existed in the city of Bendery in period the 1538-1806 years. They are the result of mixing of different Turkish ethnic groups and other Muslims of the Ottoman Empire (Albanians, Kurds, Arabs), as well as the result influence of local Moldovans.

Siege, assault and capture of the fortress of Bendery in 1770 this is the episode of the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. There participated and Moldovans as part of both Russian and Turkish troops. The author examines the role of the Turkish military during the siege, assault and capture of the fortress of Bendery in 1770.

After the fall of the fortress, 11 thousand Turkish prisoners of war were sent to the Russian Empire, on the left bank of the Dnieper River. They were temporarily settled down in different villages in the area between the towns of Pereyaslavl and Cherkasy.

As an example, the author presented a biography of the Turkish warrior Abrail (Ibrahim), the son of Ali-aga, who was captured by Russian soldiers after the sur­render of the fortress of Bender. During his stay in captivity, he voluntarily baptized and took the name of Vasile. His old Turkish name became his nickname: Abramov. Then he enrolled as of Leib-Guard Hussar Regiment, created to accompany the Em­press Catherine II. After retirement from the military service, he returned to his family in Moldova, where he died. Ali-aga, Vasily Abramov’s father was the owner of estates Kitskany.




Sergiu Bacalov, Câteva aspecte referitoare la istoria Tutovenilor și a moșiilor lor Viltotești (secolele XIV-XIX) // Anuarul Institutului de Istorie. Materialele sesiunii ştiințifice anuale, 22 decembrie 2016, Chişinău, 2017, p. 7-52. ISSN 2345-1939. ISBN 978-9975-4387-7-3.

Sergiu Bacalov, Câteva aspecte referitoare la istoria Tutovenilor și a moșiilor lor Viltotești (secolele XIV-XIX) // Anuarul Institutului de Istorie. Materialele sesiunii ştiințifice anuale, 22 decembrie 2016, Chişinău, 2017, p. 7-52.  ISSN 2345-1939. ISBN 978-9975-4387-7-3.

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Studii de arhondologie şi genealogie. Volumul 4, coordonator: Sergiu Bacalov, Chişinău, 2017, 386 p. ISBN 978-9975-80-825-5, ISBN 978-9975-139-43-4

Studii de arhondologie şi genealogie. Volumul 4, coordonator: Sergiu Bacalov, Chişinău, 2017, 386 p. ISBN 978-9975-80-825-5, ISBN 978-9975-139-43-4.



Elita social-politică şi economică a Basarabiei. Sec. XIX — începutul sec. XX, volumul 2, Documente, coordonator: Sergiu Bacalov. Alcătuitori: Sergiu Bacalov, Cristina Gherasim, Marina Guţu, Sergiu Demerji, Elena Cojocari, Chişinău, 2016, 346 p. ISBN 978-9975-80-962-7.

Elita social-politică şi economică a Basarabiei. Sec. XIX — începutul sec. XX, volumul 2, Documente, coordonator: Sergiu Bacalov. Alcătuitori: Sergiu Bacalov, Cristina Gherasim, Marina Guţu, Sergiu Demerji, Elena Cojocari, Chişinău, 2016, 346 p. ISBN 978-9975-80-962-7.

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Studii de istorie şi sociologie, vol. 2, Istorie orală şi folclor. Coordonator: Sergiu Bacalov, Chişinău, 2016, 56 p. ISBN 978-9975-89-018-2. ISBN 978-9975-89-046-5.

Studii de istorie şi sociologie, vol. 2, Istorie orală şi folclor. Coordonator: Sergiu Bacalov, Chişinău, 2016, 56 p. ISBN 978-9975-89-018-2. ISBN 978-9975-89-046-5.



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Сержиу Бакалов, Лидия Присак, Артак Магалян, Представители армян в среде молдавского боярства и бессарабского дворянства (Документы, касающиеся генеалогии рода Лебедевых)

Сержиу Бакалов, Лидия Присак, Артак Магалян, Представители армян в среде молдавского боярства и бессарабского дворянства (Документы, касающиеся генеалогии рода Лебедевых) // ИсторикоФилологический Журнал (Պատմա-բանասիրական հանդես), Ереван, 2015, Nr. 3, стр. 251–274. ISSN 01350536.

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Sergiu Bacalov, Aspecte referitoare la negustorii bacali. Influenţe şi prezenţe orientale în târgurile Ţării Moldovei (secolele XVII – XVIII) / Issues related to merchants “bacal”. Oriental influence and presence in Moldavia fairs (17th-18th centuries) /

Sergiu Bacalov, Aspecte referitoare la negustorii bacali. Influenţe şi prezenţe orientale în târgurile Ţării Moldovei (secolele XVII – XVIII) // Identităţile Chişinăului, c Materialele conferinţei, 12-13 septembrie 2011. Coordonatorii volumului: Sergiu Musteaţă, Alexandru Corduneanu, Chişinău, Pontos, 2012, p. 35-48. ISB N 978-9975-51-308-1.

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 Issues related to merchants “bacal”.

Oriental influence and presence in Moldavia fairs (17th-18th centuries)

Spice trade was present in Moldavia from the beginning of its existence. However, in the 17th century stands out as a separate category of merchants, specialized in transportation and marketing of certain spices and oriental food. These merchants were known in Moldavia under the name of Bacal, most of them were established by fairs, according to the needs of the profession. Internal documents show that they usually had their origins in the Christian Balkans community of the Ottoman Empire (Greeks, Albanians, Aromanians, etc). Available sources testify that this guild existed also in Chisinau fair.



Strămoşii bacali ai neamului Cogălniceanu